
Looking for the latest in digital communication for districts and schools? Look no further!

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Social Media

Why Schools Need a Content Strategy

As a school or district employee, marketing probably wasn't something that you ever had to learn...

TikTok Educators

To celebrate winter break, we thought we'd share a few fun TikTok videos of educators at their...

Admissions Tips and Tricks: Marketing 101

Before working at SchoolInfo, I had the pleasure of working with schools around the world. Every...

Celebrating Graduates In 2021

When I graduated high school, I didn't really think much of it at the time. I was barely 18 years...

Need Help with your School's Digital Communications?

In education, communication has been evolving from print to electronic communication for years....

The American Rescue Plan and SchoolInfo

The American Rescue Plan is providing funding for schools focused on addressing the disruption to...

Privacy, Social Media, and Education

In the midst of all the discussions around social media and big tech, privacy has taken center...