SchoolInfo Stories

At SchoolInfo we put our customers first. We strive to make your lives easier by helping to improve your school-to-home communication. But don't take our word for it, take our customers! Hear from a few of our customers on how SchoolInfo has helped simplify their communication. Not into videos? You can read how White Castle High School's communication became more effective with an app. For more success stories, check out our case study from Ridge Community High School or the testimonials at the bottom of the page!

Denham Springs Junior High

Learn how getting an app has helped everyone at Denham Springs Junior High communicate more effectively. Why do they love the simplicity of communicating through their branded mobile app? Find out!

Lewisburg High School

Learn how the Lewisburg High School app has made information more accessible for their administrators, parents, and students. 

We love helping educators share their stories

At SchoolInfo, our goal is to make communication simple for districts and schools. We want to make sure everyone in your community has the information they need when they need it.

A digital communication platform from SchoolInfo will simplify communication for everyone in your community including administrators, teachers, parents, students, and everyone else interested in keeping up-to-date with the latest news and information. The platform includes a branded mobile app, website, mass notification system, and social media sharing. The best part: everything is managed from a single dashboard, making administration a snap. 

Ready to make your school's communication effortless? Request a meeting with a member of our team to learn more about the services we offer!